Getting started: The Ionia Volunteer Fire Company, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and tax-exempt organization, had its beginning as a result of a devastating house fire across from the Methodist Church on what is now Elton Road. The neighboring fire companies could not get to the scene of the fire in time to even attempt to save the structure. The "Ionia Protectives" was formed on the steps of the Methodist Church. Work was soon begun on fundraising, acquiring firefighting apparatus and building a two-bay firehouse at 8338 County Road 14. On November 18, 1954 the Ionia Volunteer Fire Company was incorporated.

The firehouse: The original firehouse was built entirely by the members with the help of some community members both young and old. In the picture above, the two bays on the left were the original bays built in the 1950's. Not long after, a kitchen, storage area, and two bathrooms with a meeting room above was added behind these first two bays. In 1978, the volunteers went to work again and added an entry way, radio room, storage area, and the two bays on the right side in the picture above. These two new bays were higher and wider than the two original bays to accommodate the larger fire trucks that were being built at the time.
Fire trucks: The first fire-fighting vehicles were nothing more than water tanks strapped to wagon frames that were pulled by the fire fighters' personal trucks. The first pumper owned by the young fire company was a 1939 white Chevrolet pumper. It was purchased used from the Lakeville Fire Company and was used actively until the early 1970's. Through the late 1950's and 1960's, several other used fire trucks were purchased.
The first completely new piece of apparatus purchased was a 1964 Ford tanker that had a portable pump to load and unload the water. In 1975, the first new pumper/tanker was purchased at a cost of $45,000. In 1986, a second new pumper/tanker was purchased for about $90,000. In 1997, the 1975 pumper/tanker was replaced at a cost of about $180,000. In 2016, the 1986 pumper/tanker was replaced with a five passenger pumper/tanker at a cost of about $330,000.
In 2009, the rescue/equipment truck became operationally unreliable. With the economy in a severe downturn, the decision was made to revamp the existing vehicle with a new chassis, new emergency lighting, a new generator, and a new coat of paint for a cost of $65,000. This was less than half the price of a comparable new vehicle.

A tragic fire: At 3:11 AM on July 28th, 2015 we were dispatched with West Bloomfield for an automatic alarm at our fire station!
The first firefighter on the scene reported smoke in the building. All four trucks and most of the turnout gear were removed from the building by the first firefighters to arrive at the station.
We then began fighting the fire with our own pumpers. West Bloomfield soon arrived and laid a 5" supply line from our main pumper to the four corners of Ionia where portable ponds were set up. Numerous fire departments were called in to supply water from the nearest hydrants that are about 2 miles away. The fire was put out before the entire structure was consumed with no firefighter injuries.
In January 2016 a temporary fire station was built to store the fire trucks until a new permanent fire station was built. We are very grateful to the Mendon and East Bloomfield-Holcomb Fire Departments for storing our trucks from the time of the fire until the temporary building was completed.
On May 14, 2018 we started operating out of the the new fire station even though all areas of the new building were not completed. The new fire station was dedicated with an Open House and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on July 28, 2018 (three years to the day from the fire at the original station.) As funds become available we will complete all phases of the construction of the new facility.
Raising money: Over the years, there have been four basic sources of money to fund the activities of the fire company: fundraising events, donations, grants, and taxes. In the early years, it was all accomplished with only fundraising events and donations. In the mid-1950's, the first Ionia Firemen's Carnival was held. Little did they know that this would become an annual event, lasting into the mid-1980's. The first few carnivals were held in the triangle field across the road from the Ionia Post Office. Attendance grew year by year, and the carnival had to be moved to the grounds around the new firehouse just down the street. Permanent buildings were erected to replace the tents that were used for the food, beer, and clams/chicken barbecue. Most of these structures were removed when the new firehouse was built. In those early days, many dinners were served to the public to raise money as well. The most famous was the Mother's Day ham dinner that was continued well into the late 1980's. At some time through the years, the West Bloomfield Town Board started sending funds to both the Ionia and West Bloomfield Fire Companies. Over the years, more and more money was provided to each fire company. Today, this tax money provides a significant portion of the annual operating budget. Grant money is difficult to acquire, but we have been successful several times in recent years in obtaining grant money for specific items.
The future: We are optimistic about the future. We need only two things to keep the fire company sustainable for the foreseeable future: volunteers and money. Regarding volunteers: The area is growing with young families and, hopefully, some of these young folks will join the fire company. Regarding financing: the community continues to be very generous during our annual fund drive and at our fundraising events. We also have the support of the Town Board to continue providing financial support. We have every reason to believe we will be around for a long time to come.